
Celeb’s Drug & Alcohol Addiction

Drugs and alcohol have started to take over the young adults as a trend in 20th century and unfortunately turned…

10 Celebrities You Didn’t Know had Fake Breast Implants

The media industry is all about building perceptions based on body images. The standards of beauty are defined by how…

Top 10 Lawyers of the Celebrities

Lawyers, also known as Criminal Defense Attorneys, are often behind-the-screens and nobody knows who they are. They love to hear…

Top Celebrities with Fake Teeth

You may have been taken aback by the stunning appearances and dazzling teeth of celebrities, but little do you know…

Investing $5 in Bitcoin 5 years ago would have made you a multi-millionaire today

Have you ever been in a situation where you regret not buying something earlier- when it was cheaper? Well, this…


Precious stones have always been part of human history and therefore remain in the present. In the early days, jewelry…

Kim Kardashian’s jewelry – What happened after the robbery?

Kim Kardashian's stolen jewelry, including her 20-carat precious stone wedding band, are gone everlastingly, a Paris police source says. This…

Celebrities that are in love with Rolex

We all know that celebrities just love expensive watches, and they wear nothing but luxury watches, but these celebrities want…

These celebs have a serious crush on collecting cars

We like to collect because we love to possess the things which we adore the most. Among various patterns of human…

Fake celebrity noses!

Not everyone is happy with their looks and sometimes celebrities just hate how they look. What is the solution? Well,…